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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Prayer Changes Everything

I hope you go throughout today and make it so beautiful. Waking up knowing you have a heavenly father that loves, and cares about you is something that there is nothing like, or comes close to. So why not tell him what you think? Why should we not go to him, and tell him how magnificent in all his ways that he comes into our life, and sails us to calm waters when we are going through our storm? Well now is a better time than any to start. There is no formal way to pray in my mind. We simply come as we are to him. He knows your heart, and soul. He merely wants you to speak the things that lie deep inside you. In praying don't be discouraged, and don't be ashamed. When we consume ourselves with the Lord there is nobody that can say we can't do the things we know to be right, and just to us. In looking at the common denominator with some of our most high impact leaders we see that it is found in their daily prayer life. Praying for over 90 minutes a day is certainly not unusual in the study of most of these individuals. In the Bible there are 7,487 promises made and many of these promises involve God's willingness to answer prayer. 

When we are praying we need to be praying big. We should be taking exactly what is on our heart, and offer up to our Lord. In talking about prayer I'm reminded how we should not just pray in times of great prosperity, but also in times when we can't rub two dimes together. We should not just come to him when were healthy, but when we are weak and barely able to stand. I feel that when we do this in our moments of complete despair. I feel Gods presence even closer to me. It's almost like weathering a horrible storm, and that good Samaritan comes up to put a blanket around your shoulders. 

Lastly I want to say that in all your problems, addictions, and shortcomings. Go to God with all of these. If you see yourself slipping in a direction you don't want to be heading in go to prayer. Make it to where you have a chance to truly reflect on what is about to happen, and what a greater power who put you on this earth to flourish, and develop into a wonderful being would think. Were not perfect people, but we still have to be accountable for the things we do. Stay positive. and know there will never be another you. Make it a point to look up, and pour your heart out today!

Note: Please let me know if you need me to pray for you. I'd be more than happy to receive any prayer requests you have for me. 

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