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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Just Natural

I want to put a visual in your mind right now. Imagine that you have everything that you've ever wanted, and could ever dream of. You've set your goals, put in the plan of action, and now are able to reap the benefits of your hard work, and dedication to your purpose. What does this look like for you? Do you have that sports car you've always wanted? The house that looks like it could give the "White House" a run for its money? Maybe it's the expensive watch that feels like your wearing a stapler on your wrist? Just maybe though it's none of those things. Perhaps it's not the materialistic things you set out to acquire, but really it was the things you never really thought about until they came to be. The sweet scents you first smell( the pleasant ones) when waking up next to the person you love. The smile on your little ones face when they see your there to rescue them in the morning from their play pen, or just knowing every morning you wake up that your heavenly father has given you another wonderful day to experience his beautiful world.

I understand that beautiful and world may sound extremely strange when these two are put next to each other, but it's true. We need to not focus on negative things that we see on a daily basis, but rather on the positive. Do you really need to watch the full report, and in-depth analysis on something that is completely out of your control, and 9 times out of 10 does not effect you in any way.....Readjust your vision, but more importantly readjust your thinking. The things we surround ourselves with we ultimately become like, and feel like. The report that is depressing, the child that is missing, the terrorist the media labels as the #1 bad guy...Do yourself a favor and exclude yourself of this stupidity that is running like a cancer in this nation. Think, and surround yourself with the Good, the Clean, and the Natural! 

In taking into account what we feed into our minds. Let's also think about the people we surround ourselves with. Is Tom, Dick, and Sally helping you become a better mother, husband, father, provider, or businessman? Are they contributing to the success of you? In sharing our aspirations, and goals we need to be especially cautious with sharing this information with the wrong people. Who are the wrong people you ask? Simply put anyone that hesitates to say something positive to you about your dreams and hopes for this better future. If nobody has said it to you today. I'd love to be the first. "Yes you can, you will, and your going to look Great while you do it! 

In life were going to
hit bumps, and we'll sometimes get worse than just bruises. We'll feel almost broken. When we feel like this that is when we need to open our eyes the biggest, because this is when it's going to matter most. "Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”(Deuteronomy 31:6, ESV 2001).
Keep your head held high, and do not fret for our Lord is with you. He knows you better than you do. He's always waiting, and looking forward to your next discussion with him. Leave your worry behind, and go jump into your beautiful life!

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