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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Your Crop

In talking to my brother tonight I felt very compelled to write on a subject that is very dear, and close to my heart. We were talking about the story of Cain & Abel we were talking about the reasons why God was displeased with him when he prepared some of his crop as an offering. We talked on how Abel had brought the best of his flock to present. It brings me to this point. When we are thinking of how we are working our tail off for our "Boss" we should be talking about how we are working and preparing our best for God. I believe this to be very true, and this is a philosophy that I've incorporated into my life. Not saying that our boss at work is God, but rather we are doing our work in a way that is something that if prepared for God would be favorable in his sight. The pride that you would feel would be doubled in any job that your currently working. It's not a change of work. It'd be a change in mindset! 

It sounds so simple in its nature, but just like Jim Rohn says, "Whatever is simple to do, is simple not to do". If you made this small change in mindset into your daily routine you would see extraordinary results in your life, and the life's of the people around you. So go ahead give it a try, and let me know how it works out for you below in the comments. 


  1. I totally agree with you Bryant. By doing our job with honesty and sincerity is a way to reach God. That is a true form of offering prayer to him.

    I was going through your old posts and found them very interesting. I am your brand new follower :-D

    Happy new year and Happy Blogging !!!!

    A piece of SHE...

  2. Reading thru all your posts they are well written and thought provoking, which is nice. And I agree about doing your job with honesty is important. I saw your post on blogaholic and following you on GFC now. I look forward to your future posts :)

  3. Hi Bryant !

    I have nominated your blog for "The Liebster Blog Award". Please visit my blog to know more about it.

    Thanks and Regards,
    A piece of SHE...
